About Us
In business since 2002, we are a locally owned and operated business that is committed to providing the best recycling service in the Midwest.
As a business we strive for greatness, recycling more and making it easier.
Join us in impacting our world from home.

Looking to sign up for our weekly curbside recycling service? Just click the icon above and fill out the necessary information, and we will get back to you ASAP with your pick-up day.
Already a customer, and looking to make quick and easy payment online? Click the icon above to be redirected to our payments page to see all the different forms of payment we accept.
Have any questions or comments? Feel free to contact us by text, phone call or email, and we will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible during business hours.
Want A
Business Quote?
In addition to residential recycling we also provide recycling for businesses of all sizes. Whether you want to schedule weekly pick ups or even just a one time pick up for your business, we've got you covered.
Click the link below to get a free business quote. Please provide us with your name, address, and type of business and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss pricing and pick up days.
Curious What Makes
Star City Recycling
So Unique?
We are the ONLY service in Lincoln that focuses solely on recycling, and are not associated with any garbage services. This means we are the Recycling Experts, because recycling is our business - our ONLY business.
We are the company with the passion to hand separate everything right there at the curb - no crushing it in a garbage truck. That means less is thrown away at the mills due to contamination. Why is that important? Imagine trying to unscramble an egg...
When you recycle with Star City Recycling - you can be confident your recyclables are actually being recycled. Plus, since we hand separate everything we are able to recycle many more items than any other company in the Midwest!
We also provide electronic recycling for residential and commercial customers of all sizes. We can even pick it up for you!
Being locally owned we do this because we want to make a difference right here where we live. Our kids are growing up here and we want their future to be full of opportunities. Making sure Lincoln is a good place to call home is our passion. We want to impact the world right here from home.

"As we head into yet another holiday season, I wanted to say how thankful I am for all of the customers, employees, and partners who have helped Star City Recycling grow into what it is today."
Garen Miller, Founder